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Obey What The Lord Is Leading You To Do

When The Lord is leading us to do something … It can be a calling to teach, a calling to participate on the worship team, a calling to encourage someone, the list goes on … It’s important for us to listen and obey.

Sometimes someone doesn’t feel qualified. They’re afraid of messing up. They might believe a lie that they need more years of growth before stepping out.

The reason it’s a lie is because if The Lord is calling you to do it now, then you’re ready to step out now. If you don’t step out because you feel you shouldn’t be doing it, then you think you know more than The Lord.

We’re always growing as Christians, but you can be used by God wherever you are in life right now.

Let’s look at the life of Amos. Was he a prophet, since he has a whole book in the Bible along with the other prophets?

He wasn’t. He was just a shepherd of sycamore-fig trees (Amos 7:14). In his time, most of the prophets were trained to be prophets. And many times they were the son of a prophet, so the gifting got passed down generationally.

However, The Lord called on him to act as a prophet and deliver prophecies to the king of Israel (Amos lived in Judah.) Mind you, the prophecies weren’t so positive. They were about judgement that was coming against Israel because of their disobedience that was spanning decades.

Amos could have ran and hid under his bed when God called him. He could have made an excuse and said he wasn’t fit to do the job (he technically wasn’t because he wasn’t a prophet).

But he answered the call and in Amos 7: 12-15, the disobedient priest in Israel told Amos to go back to his homeland and prophesy there. He told Amos to stop bothering them and disrespecting the King with his prophecies. But Amos basically said, I’m not a prophet! I’m just a shepherd but I was unexpectedly called by God for this mission and I listened!

And now for eternity he has the reward of listening to The Lord when he was called.

Will you fulfill your destiny and faithfully serve The Lord?

Or will you listen to the lies of the enemy and say no to everything God is calling you to.

Be blessed in our Lord Jesus Christ


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